When Are You Most Fertile? Here's How To Track Your Fertility
Are You Trying For A Baby And Want To Know When You Are Most Fertile Each Month? We Look At Different Methods That Can Help You Track Your Fertility, Including Fertility Calendars And Apps
Are you trying for a baby? If so, you might have a lot of questions around fertility, including how long it takes to conceive, what your chances are of getting pregnant, and when you are most fertile each month.
If you want to get pregnant, having sex every 2 to 3 days throughout the month will give you the best chance of conceiving. You don't need to time having sex only around ovulation.
However, it is possible to pinpoint when you are more fertile each month, which can help you to maximise your chances of getting pregnant.
Tracking your menstrual cycle will also help you get to know your body better, be more in tune with and identify the different signs and emotions you may feel at each stage.
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