Pregnancy & Parenting

Trying for a third baby: Katie's TTC journey

Vitabiotics | Published: 02/08/2019

Trying for a third baby: Katie's TTC journey Trying for a third baby: Katie's TTC journey

TalkMum blogger Katie from Mummy, Daddy and Me is currently pregnant with her third baby. Here's her latest vlog on TTC and her pregnancy journey so far:

The decision for us deciding to try for a third baby wasn’t an easy one. For some reason I had always thought two children would be our story, that we would stop at two children. Whenever we had discussed children, way back before we had them, it was almost a given that we would try for a baby once our eldest was born, for some reason two children just went without saying if we were lucky enough for that to happen. But three never really entered our radar.

When my youngest daughter was a couple of months old and began growing out of her baby things, I felt this incessant desire to keep them. Friends who had babies around the same age were getting rid of their baby things, saying that although it made them feel a little emotional, they knew their families were complete. But I just couldn’t bring myself to give them away or bag them up for charity so they stayed in the loft for a long time, not being spoken about, just there in case we would ever need them again.

Fast forward to a fair few months ago now and we decided that we seriously wanted to try for a third baby. Although our little girls bring us nothing but joy and we talked about the fact financially it may be a strain, we decided that if we were lucky enough to have another baby then that is what we wanted. As soon as we started trying I took Pregnacare His and Her Conception and made my husband take them too, I wanted to make sure that I was getting the right nutrients to support a potential pregnancy.

After a few months, we couldn’t believe it when we saw that very faint line on the pregnancy test. I was more shocked than I ever have been and I burst into tears, although it was early days, I couldn’t believe we were blessed enough to fall pregnant again.

As soon we found out I moved on to Pregnacare Plus, which is a multi-vitamin you can take throughout your entire pregnancy, containing folic acid, calcium and a separate Omega-3 capsule.

After a very long first trimester I am nearing the end of the second trimester and I am savouring every single moment of this pregnancy. I am not the greatest of pregnant ladies, I worry and panic about the smallest of things, but I am absolutely enjoying every minute of growing another little human. I am really excited to share my pregnancy with all the Talk Mum readers and viewers.


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Watch Katie's latest video here:

Meet the Author

Gill Crawshaw

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Pregnancy and parenting editor and writer, mum of two Gill Crawshaw is the editor of the TalkMum blog, and a writer who specialises in pregnancy and parenting. With over 18 years experience in digital content creation, she also writes the blog A Baby On Board, which covers the parenting journey. Gill has two tween-age children and lives in south London.

Alexandra Phillips

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