Pregnancy & Parenting

Five Ways To Help Your Child Go Back To School

Vitabiotics | Published: 01/09/2020

Five Ways To Help Your Child Go Back To School Five Ways To Help Your Child Go Back To School

Here are five ways parents can help their children go back to school successfully, and deal with any changes and challenges the new academic year might bring

School is starting soon, and children across the country will be heading back to the classroom after the summer holidays and extended break.

Going back to school is a big transition, but there are lot of ways you can help your child go back to school successfully, and deal with the changes and challenges this new school year might bring.

Your child might be feeling a fix of emotions this year, from over-the-top excitement to slight trepidation. And as a parent, you are probably feeling the same! So here are five ways to help them return to school successfully, and three tips to help parents deal with it too.

Here Are Five Ways To Help Your Child Go Back To School:

Here are five ways to help your child return to school this year, covering everything from back to school supplies to dealing with fears about changes.

1. Start Your School Sleep Schedule Early, Before School Starts

Don’t leave it till the night before school starts to revert to your usual school sleep schedule. If you have been enjoying the later bedtimes, lie-ins and lazy mornings of being at home, then their body will need time to gradually adjust to the changes over a couple of days.

2. Discuss Any Back To School Routine Changes Beforehand

Things will look a little different this September, so make sure you discuss any changes to the school routine with your child ahead of time. Their new teacher should have explained what is going to change, be it staggered starts, smaller class sizes or packed lunch eaten in the classroom instead of the dinner hall.

If your school has sent a document outlining what the new school year will look like, sit down and go through it with your children. Practise anything you can at home, such as frequent hand washing throughout the day (which we’re sure you’re doing already!)

3. Talk To Your Child About Back To School Fears and Worries

It’s natural for children to feel worried about the return to school this year. Discuss any anxieties with them and try not to dismiss fears, no matter how silly they may initially sound.

Make sure you emphasise the good points about going back to school too, such as seeing their friends and getting stuck into lots fun projects again.

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4. Let Your Child Pick Their Back To School Supplies

Do you remember how exciting it was to have a new pencil case each September? It will help your child feel more excited about the return to school by letting them pick their own back to school supplies. Give them a choice of back to school backpacks, lunchboxes and pencil cases to pick from.

You can also get them to help you label their new school uniform and equipment, and even practise different back to school hairstyles, which will re-familiarise them ahead of their first day back.

5. Don’t Overschedule Their Time Once Term Starts

It’s usual for children to be exhausted after school in the first few weeks back, and this year a return to the strict school schedule will be a shock for everyone after a prolonged period off.

Expect to see a range of big emotions from children after school, which may appear in the form of grumpiness, anger, exhaustion or excitement. Children will need time to relax and decompress, so make sure you’ve factored in plenty of time to let them watch TV, read a book and chat to you about their day.

Try not to book in too many clubs or activities if you can avoid it, especially in the first few weeks -they will be exhausted!

And Here Are Few Tips For Parents, When Your Child Goes Back To School:

After a long period of having your child at home, it might feel strange when they finally start school again. Here are three tips for parents, when your child goes back to school:

1. Find A Distraction For Their First Day Back

It’s natural to be anxious and worried about how your child is getting on when it’s their first day back at school, especially as things will be slightly different. If you’re not working on the day they go back, try and find something to do which will keep your mind off thinking about it constantly. Hopefully the time will fly by.

2. Relish The Changes Back To School Brings

Although it may feel strange at first when your child goes back to school, try and focus on the good points, like having a quiet house to work in, the chance to have a hot cup of tea, uninterrupted (bliss!) or the joy of pick-up time.

3. Avoid Too Much News

We’ve all been glued to the news this year, and there may indeed be future changes in the news which relate to schools staying open. However, it can make you anxious to consume too much, all the time. Try and check in only one or two times a day, and stick to quality, trusted sources.

Once You’ve Read Our Post On Helping Your Child Go Back To School, Read These Posts

Meet the Author

Gill Crawshaw

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Pregnancy and parenting editor and writer, mum of two Gill Crawshaw is the editor of the TalkMum blog, and a writer who specialises in pregnancy and parenting. With over 18 years experience in digital content creation, she also writes the blog A Baby On Board, which covers the parenting journey. Gill has two tween-age children and lives in south London.

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