Pregnancy & Parenting

Gillian's birth story: what to expect from a planned induction

Vitabiotics | Published: 13/08/2019

Gillian's birth story: what to expect from a planned induction Gillian's birth story: what to expect from a planned induction

What To Expect From A Planned Induction

What can you expect from a planned induction?

According to NICE, one in five births were induced during 2004-2005. A planned induction can happen for various reasons: medical factors, early breaking of your waters, or if your pregnancy goes over 42 weeks.

I wrote about my birth in more detail over on my blog A Baby on Board, but I had a high-risk pregnancy and the hospital wanted her born as close to my due date as possible.

I was taken in for a propess induction on my due date.

My Propress Induction

To help me go into labour naturally. I had two sweeps at 39 weeks and did a lot of walking. However, nothing happened so I was admitted to the hospital.

I was given an induction via propess, which is a propess pessary induction using hormones on to soften the cervix.

After the doctor had inserted the propess pessary, I was told nothing would happen for 24 hours.

However, my baby arrived a few hours later!

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Here’s What To Expect From A Planned Induction

  • Induction can be a slow process - one of the mums on my ward had been there for nearly four day.
  • Then again, it might be a lot quicker than you think. I was told nothing was likely to happen for at least 24 hours. Less than 14 hours after being admitted, I was holding my baby.
  • Be open minded about pain relief. Induced labour can be a lot more painful than a spontaneous delivery. I had propess induction cramps which were painful.
  • An induction may result in further intervention (according to NICE, less than two-thirds of women who were induced gave birth without further intervention, about 15% had instrumental births with forceps or ventouse and 22% had emergency caesarean sections)
  • However, don't think this is a given, I had no further intervention and lots of mums don't
  • But whatever happens, you’re a really short time from meeting your baby - one of the most amazing experiences ever

What was your experience with a planned induction?

Gillian blogs over at A Baby on Board about London life as a new mum. You can also read her second birth story

Please speak to your midwife or doctor for medical advice and information.

Meet the Author

Gill Crawshaw

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Pregnancy and parenting editor and writer, mum of two Gill Crawshaw is the editor of the TalkMum blog, and a writer who specialises in pregnancy and parenting. With over 18 years experience in digital content creation, she also writes the blog A Baby On Board, which covers the parenting journey. Gill has two tween-age children and lives in south London.

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