Have you heard about the new Bliss Baby Cards? Specially designed for babies in neonatal care, the cards celebrate each milestone in their journey
This month on TalkMum is pregnancy and baby month, and if you are a parent to a young baby, you have probably seen - or, indeed, own - a set of baby milestone cards. Popular on social media, baby milestone cards have become a way of recognising and recording each of your baby's milestones.
The cards depict a different milestone in the baby journey and can include anything from number of weeks old, to first tooth and first taste of solid food. The idea is that the parent takes a photo of the baby with the card in the frame, to create a record of each milestone on the day it happens.
But what if you and you baby's experience is unique, and doesn't follow the traditional milestones - and has its own, different and very special victories, along the way?
Parents of premature babies and babies in neonatal care might like to know about the Bliss premature baby milestone cards. Each pack contains 10 specially designed cards for parents to capture the very different baby milestones they might experience along the way.
The captions on the cards were specially created after Bliss asked parents of babies in neonatal care what they would like to see on their own baby milestone cards, captions that are relevant to their experience in special care.
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