
Hair Loss Guru Sorts Fact From Fiction

Vitabiotics | Published: 29/07/2021

Hair Loss Guru Sorts Fact From Fiction Hair Loss Guru Sorts Fact From Fiction

Do you often worry about hair loss? We are delighted to welcome Spencer Stevenson, whose popular website Spex Hair offers scientifically-based advice to men who are looking to maintain a healthy head of hair.

Spencer or “Spex” as he is commonly known, has over the last 10 years, supported thousands of hair loss sufferers with their individual concerns and anxieties whilst advising them on what can effectively help beat the curse of hair loss and how to best restore lost hair via hair restoration correctly.

Hair Loss Guru Sorts Fact From Fiction

There are such a high number of products out there being sold and marketed to men for their hair health, and believe me I've tried them all - some work, some don't.

So when I was asked by Vitabiotics to become their men's hair expert, I couldn't say no. It's a privilege to have been asked to use my knowledge and experiences as their men’s hair expert to help you separate fact from fiction.

It’s an all-too-common story that plays out every day around the world. Guy looks in mirror, goes to comb his hair and is distressed to find there’s not as much up top as there used to be. With not a moment to waste, he consults Doctor Google, and thus begins his quest for answers. “Where do I start?” “Am I going to have to wear a rug?” “How soon will I be bald?” “What can I buy today that will stop this from getting worse?” All that desperation is the tip of the iceberg.

Average Joe was cruising along, enjoying life … until that day. If only there was such a thing as a Furry Godfather; someone with a magic wand, or at least with some real and true answers. If only he could cast a spell and turn clothes dryer lint into luxurious strands of hair and implant them painlessly and perfectly into Average Joe’s scalp. Hate to break it to you, bro but there’s no magic spell out there.

The Quest For Hairy-Headedness

The next best thing to a Furry Godfather is someone who’s been there, done that and bought the hairpiece. How do you do? I am Spencer 'Spex' Stevenson and I’ve tipped some serious cash down the toilet in the very same quest that you’ve probably embarked on. I’ve explored ‘miracle cures’, chased expensive rainbows and endured some pretty miserable – and in hindsight, woefully inadequate – attempts to grow back, get over or conceal what’s left of my hair.

Today, however, I am the proud owner of a healthy head of hair and I look my actual age. Now I stand as a true expert in male hair loss, how it feels, how it affects a man’s life and relationships, what to do about it and who and what to trust or not trust.

The Real Definition Of A ‘Hair Loss Expert’

Now when I call myself an ‘expert’, I’m coming from the angle of experience. In my early twenties, I could barely stand to look in a mirror due to my rapidly receding hairline. It was physically and emotionally devastating it chipped away at my self-confidence.

I’d always considered myself a fairly decent looking guy, but as my hair fell out and my forehead became more and more naked, I became increasingly desperate to stop it from happening. Did you know that the hidden epidemic of hair loss is known among sufferers as ‘cancer of the spirit’? You’ll consider things you wouldn’t inflict on your worst enemy, like applying cow urine to your scalp (I kid you not)!

You name it, I’ve done it.

In fact, there’s not a lot I haven’t tried or done in my journey to reclaim my right to a healthy head of hair. I’ve worn wigs, done battle with depression and anxiety, explored countless ‘natural’ and ‘alternative’ therapies and endured ten hair transplant surgeries. (Yes, ten!!) Over the last decade, I’ve seen the good, the bad and the truly ugly.

I ’ve researched, asked, discussed and studied. I’ve subjected myself to painful, draining and useless so-called ‘cures’ and suffered more than my fair share of indignities. Of the ton of money I’ve thrown at resolving my hair loss issue, I can honestly say that only about ten percent of what I’ve spent has really been worth the investment.

What Success Looks Like On A Previously Balding Man

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Happily, I’ve come out the other side with a handsome hairline and a decent volume of strands that anyone is welcome to run their fingers through.

Today, in my forties, it’s virtually impossible to tell that I’ve been a victim of male pattern baldness since my tender early twenties. When you’re barely out of your teens and a girl your own age won’t go out with you because she thinks you’re too old for her, you panic.

When you stop joining your friends at the pub for a cheeky spur-of-the-moment beer, when you avoid putting yourself forward for a promotion at work and when you start losing all faith in your value as a man, you’ll do anything. I did.

Today, I’m a happy, well-adjusted, successful man, a husband, and father with a rewarding career and an age-appropriate head of hair that makes me look pretty acceptable indeed! I also have a global following of men who look to me for answers, or at the very least, understanding, without judgment.

I’m considered a ‘hair loss guru’ to celebrities who are facing their own hair loss nightmares. They, like Average Joe on the street, need genuine solutions. They too count on me for reassurance and relatability. I’ve been called a ‘Hair Loss Hero’, a ‘Hair Loss Mentor’ and many other things. I’ll even take ‘Fairy Godfather’ if the fairytale concept helps someone.

M y advice is genuine and fact-based and my followers from across the globe appreciate my down-to-earth and hard-won wisdom. I can tell you about appropriate treatments while also protecting you from the plethora of bogus products and therapies that serve only to drain your pocket along with the remnants of your self-esteem.

Don’t Believe The Stories – Men Will Go To Great Lengths To Get Their Hair Back!

Women don’t own vanity; it’s a human affliction. While they get busy with their fake eyelashes, fake tans and fake nails in their quest to feel prettier, accepted or whatever goal they have in mind, most men experiencing hair loss also feel compelled to ‘re-normalise’ our appearance.

Society would have us believe that male hair loss is no big deal but it can permeate every aspect of life from relationships and careers to questioning our own worth. Many turn to whatever numbing agent will work, be it an addiction, withdrawal from our social lives or working like a madman seven days a week.

Considering that by age fifty, around 85 percent* of men notice significant thinning of their hair, and 25 percent will suffer from male pattern baldness before age 21*, it’s obvious that this epidemic has far wider ramifications across the entire wellbeing spectrum. Source:

You’re Not Alone

It truly matters to me to be something of a guiding light for the millions of men facing hair loss. In fact, the opportunity to impart genuine wisdom is golden to me. Basically, I’m just a man, just like you, who knows how you feel and has tons of insight that can steer you in the right direction.

Let’s hear about your experiences. I can’t turn a pumpkin into a glass carriage but I can certainly promise that there will be a glass slipper of sorts – a solution – that will fit you. You will see me featured and quoted in various newspapers and you can find me writing regular columns for The Telegraph and The Huffington Post. I also co-host a radio show in the UK called The Bald Truth.

Its 100,000-strong audience tunes in live to share experiences and discuss the emotional aspects of hair loss. I very much look forward to helping Vitabiotics readers here too both men and women with their hair loss issues and anxieties with upcoming blogs and helpful information.

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