A hectic schedule can really take it out of us, causing us to suffer from fatigue and a distinct lack of energy. The question is, what can we do to combat these feelings of fatigue and keep up the energy we need to get the job done?
No matter how busy you may be, the following steps can easily fit into even the most hectic of schedules. Not only will they be able to save you time in the long run, they will also keep you fit and healthy enough to bust your busy days.
It goes without saying that making sure you get between 7-9 hours of sleep at night, will help you feel well rested come morning. Too many of us try and get as much as possible done in the 24 hours that we’re given, that we will sacrifice a good night's sleep to accomplish our task list.
Simply heading to bed an hour early, or giving yourself time to wind down before jumping into bed, can make all the difference to your quality of sleep. If you know you have to get up early in the morning, head to bed earlier in the evening. Keeping up a regular and consistent sleeping pattern can also help, as it helps to tell your brain when it’s time to switch off.
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