Five Vitamin D Facts For Mums & Children

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What’s The Low-Down On Vitamin D Consumption And How Important Is It During Pregnancy, For New Mothers And Children?

It’s estimated that up to a quarter of people in the UK have low levels of vitamin D in their body, which means they are at risk of deficiency. This deficiency impairs the way calcium is absorbed into bones, and may lead to childhood rickets, and bone pain or tenderness in adults.

Vitamin D occurs naturally in a few foods such as oily fish and eggs, however. it is difficult to get enough vitamin D through food alone. The best source of vitamin D is summer sunlight on our skin, however, it is sensible to keep skin safe in the sun. The UK Department of Health recommend that everyone should consider taking a daily vitamin D supplement, this includes pregnant women, breastfeeding mums and children, particularly between October and March.

So here’s our top five facts on vitamin D for you and your little ones; make sure you’re aware of the UK Department of Health guidelines.

1) Are you pregnant? Then it’s recommended that you take a daily supplement containing 10μg (microgrammes) of vitamin D (Vitabiotics Pregnacare® Original, Liquid, Plus and Max contain the recommended 10 μg of vitamin D)

2) If you’re breastfeeding, then the same applies (Vitabiotics Pregnacare® Breast-feeding and New Mum contain the recommended 10 μg of vitamin D)

3) Babies, from birth to one year, and children aged between one and four years, are deemed at a greater risk of not getting enough vitamin D. It is recommended that they are given a daily supplement of vitamin D (including breastfed babies and formula fed babies who have less than 500ml a day of infant formula, as formula milk has vitamins added to it). Check out the Vitabiotics Wellbaby® vitamins range which include vitamin D.

4) For children over the age of five years it is recommended a daily vitamin D supplement is considered. Check out the Vitabiotics Wellkid® Multi-vitamin Chewable, Immune Chewable, Multi-Vitamin Liquid, Calcium Liquid and Omega 3 Chewable all of which include vitamin D.

5) Women and children who are eligible for the Government’s Healthy Start scheme can apply for free tablets or drops containing the vitamin. Speak to your doctor or health visitor to find out more, or go to the Healthy Start website.

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Pregnacare Original
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Pregnacare Liquid
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Pregnacare Plus
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Pregnacare Max
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Pregnacare Breast-feeding
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Pregnacare New Mum
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Wellbaby Vitamin D Drops
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Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Drops
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Wellbaby Multi-vitamin Liquid
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Alexandra Phillips

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