Pregnancy & Parenting

16 Self Care Tips For Mums

Vitabiotics | Published: 28/03/2023

Here Are 16 Self Care Tips For Mums

Self-care is a term you hear frequently, especially when you’re a mum. But what does self care mean and how can it help you as a parent?

What Is Self Care?

Self care doesn't have to be complicated, or expensive.
At a very basic level, self-care means taking actions to protect, develop or maintain your health, well-being and wellness.

Magazine articles would often have you believe self care is centred around indulgence and pampering, often with pricey and time-consuming treats. But these can be expensive and difficult to logistically arrange when you have a small baby.

However self care can be simpler, cheaper – if not free - and easy to do.

How Can Self Care Help When You’re A Parent?

When you're a parent, you're often last on the long list of priorities. When the demands of looking after your baby are urgent and need to be done right away, it's easy to neglect yourself.

However, it’s important to remember that you are important too!
We take a look at simple self-care tips for mums, which are quick and easy and will make you feel a lot better.

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16 Self Care Tips For Mums

Here Are 16 Simple Self-Care Tips For Mums:

  1. Drink a glass of water. Dehydration can make you feel tired and terrible, so make sure you stay hydrated. Buy your own reusable bottle to carry around with you and drink it every time you encourage your children to have some of theirs.
  2. Develop a shower strategy! Put the baby in their bouncer by the bathroom door, shower while they nap, or have one before your partner leaves for the day if you're able to.
  3. Eat something warm for lunch that's not just toast, even if it’s something simple like soup or pasta.
  4. Snack on some fruit or vegetables. We bet you're great at giving these to your children, but what about you? Serve some for yourself too.
  5. Make a healthy smoothie for breakfast, or drink one throughout the day.
  6. Make a hot cup of tea, put your baby in the bouncer, and drink the tea while it's still hot.
  7. Sleep when the baby sleeps. We know everyone says it, no-one does it as nap time is the only time you have to do everything else. But you’ll feel much more refreshed if you do.
  8. If you don’t sleep, try, and use the time to get some rest. Lie down and do nothing.
  9. Go to bed at the same time as your baby at least once a week. If you're being woken up several times a night, get some seep when you're able to.
  10. Try and leave the house once a day, even if it's only to go to the shop. Fresh air is soothing and will make even a bad day feel better.
  11. But have a day at home if you and the baby need it. It's OK not to go out. Pyjama days are good for the soul, too.
  12. Say no to too many activities. It's easy to have FOMO when you're used to full-time work and want to be out making friends, but if you overload your day you might end up feeling stressed.
  13. Put the radio on for some background noise and adult voices when it's just you in the house with the children.
  14. Or listen to your favourite podcast.
  15. Let your children watch TV to give you some headspace and don't feel guilty about it.
  16. And last in the list of our self-care tips for mums? Never be afraid to ask for help.

Meet the Author

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Gill Crawshaw

Copywriter / Editor of TalkMum Blog

Pregnancy and parenting editor and writer, mum of two Gill Crawshaw is the editor of the TalkMum blog, and a writer who specialises in pregnancy and parenting. With over 18 years experience in digital content creation, she also writes the blog A Baby On Board, which covers the parenting journey. Gill has two tween-age children and lives in south London.

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