
Which Marvel Super Hero Is Your Child Most Like?

Vitabiotics | Published: 09/10/20

Which Marvel Super Hero Is Your Child Most Like?

More than nine in 10 parents wish they had a Super Hero power to help with their parenting, with being able to fly, time travel – and the ability to never feel TIRED among the top choices.

A study of 2,000 mums and dads found invisibility – so they can get some peace – and x-ray vision – so they can see what their kids are up to through walls would also be on the wish list.

Another 24 per cent dream of having healing abilities so they could easily deal with any bumps and bruises their kids pick up.

And more than one in 10 would simply settle for a superpower that made kids keep their bedrooms tidy.

The research also revealed 66 per cent of parents say their children are ‘Super Hero fans’, and a quarter have even dressed up as one of the current crop of heroes.

As a result, more than half have used lines such as ‘Thor would eat all his vegetables’ at dinnertime, to make kids eat things they may not like.

And for more than four in 10, this line of reasoning can actually be expected to work on their children.

More than half (57 per cent) of parents also believe Super Heroes are inspirational role models for their children.

For 54 per cent, this is due to a belief that Super Heroes teach how to have compassion and how to help others.

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  1. Invisibility
  2. Flying
  3. Time travel
  4. Teleportation
  5. Super strength
  6. Super healing abilities
  7. Telepathy
  8. Super speed
  9. Talking to animals
  10. Super intelligence
  11. Never feel tired            
  12. The ability to stop time
  13. Immortality
  14. Constantly be full of energy
  15. Being able to breathe under water
  16. Being able to get ready - showered, dressed, clean teeth etc - at the click of a finger
  17. Invulnerability (impossible to hurt in any way)
  18. Psychic
  19. X-Ray vision
  20. Become a human lie detector - instantly know when someone isn't quite telling the truth

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Payel Banerjee

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