The UK's No.1 Pregnancy Supplement Brand
The majority of products sold on have a minimum of at least six months until their best before date, usually much longer. Occasionally we do offer a limited range of products, such as this one, with a shorter shelf life, typically between 3-6 months, at a discounted price.
Pregnacare Max has been developed for mums-to-be who want maximum nutritional support from Pregnacare. This advanced formula helps to safeguard daily intake of nutrients important during pregnancy. It provides 400μg folic acid, incorporating the special, readily bioavailable form L-Methylfolate, together with other essential vitamins and minerals, including 10μg vitamin D, 500mg calcium, plus 300mg DHA.
It is important to follow the directions and take the recommended two MAX tablets per day, to ensure that you obtain the recommended level of 400μg folate (folic acid).
Pregnacare Max is the 'next generation formula' for maximum support throughout pregnancy. With L-Methylfolate, a specially efficient form of folic acid, making this the ultimate formula in the Pregnacare range. Pregnacare Max also includes 500mg calcium with supporting nutrients, vitamin D3 and magnesium.
Adults can obtain DHA and EPA indirectly through the conversion of the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), present in vegetable oils such as linseed but this process is very inefficient. Fish oils provide a much more reliable, direct source of DHA and EPA. The foetus and infant in early life need to receive these fatty acids directly as they only have a limited capability to convert essential fatty acids to more active long chain fatty acids such as DHA. These fatty acids are especially important during pregnancy as maternal intake contributes to the normal foetal brain and eye development**
What the mother consumes has the potential to be passed on to the developing child, therefore only the purest pharmaceutical grade fish oil produced in Norway, has been used in Pregnacare Max capsules. To ensure maximum benefit the oil is carefully concentrated to increase its DHA and EPA content and further purified. Each batch is rigorously tested, certified, and fully compliant with stringent EC and WHO rules on environmental pollutants.
Pregnacare Max is suitable to use throughout pregnancy, however, we would recommend using our Pregnacare Breast-feeding supplement which has been carefully formulated for postnatal wellbeing. Pregnacare Breast-feeding formula includes higher levels of calcium to help safeguard mums nutrition.
As a general rule, Pregnacare Max can be taken alongside medications because it contains only moderate levels of vitamins and minerals. However, if you are already taking prescribed supplements or medications, seek advice from your doctor or health professional first. As Pregnacare Max contains vitamin K, if you are taking oral anticoagulants (blood thinners) do not take Pregnacare Max except on the advice of a doctor.
Pregnacare Max contains 56 prenatal micronutrient tablets and 28 Omega-3 DHA capsules. It is recommended to take 2 tablets and one capsule per day.
Pregnacare Max has no known side-effects when taken as directed. Do not exceed the recommended tablet and capsule intake. In case of overdose, seek medical advice immediately.
Difficulty in swallowing tablets and capsules is quite a common experience. Vitabiotics have researched this extensively and recommend after chewing some food (e.g. banana), just before you swallow, pop it into your mouth and swallow it together with the chewed food, followed by some liquid. The throat opens up wider to swallow the chewed food and so it should go down with greater ease. Alternatively, it may be swallowed with thicker liquids such as yoghurts or smoothies.
No, Pregnacare Max is not suitable for vegetarians as it contains fish oil in a pharmaceutical grade gelatin capsule. Adults can obtain DHA and EPA indirectly through the conversion of the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), present in vegetable oils such as linseed but this process is very inefficient. Pregnacare Max contains fish oil as it provides a much more reliable, direct source of DHA and EPA.
The key nutrients found in our Pregnacare Max product includes Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Folic Acid, L-Methylfolate, Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Omega-3 DHA, L-Arginine and Inositol.To see the full list of ingredients for this product please click on the nutritional information tab found on this listing.
NRV levels are calculated to help prevent the most basic vitamin and mineral deficiency states. The levels contained in Pregnacare Max are specific to normal requirements in pregnancy. This is why some levels of nutrients in Pregnacare Max are higher than the NRV (e.g. folic acid, the recommended level is 200% NRV). Importantly, all levels are safe for pregnancy and well within upper safety guidelines for daily self-supplementation.
Pregnacare Max does not contain any vitamin A either in the multivitamin tablet or the special fish oil DHA capsule. The multivitamin tablet has been carefully formulated specially for pregnancy to contain a moderate (non-excessive) level of betacarotene instead of vitamin A. Betacarotene (pro-retinol) is converted into vitamin A naturally by body as required, and is safe and suitable for pregnancy. The Omega 3 capsule in Pregnacare Max is produced from fish oils that are certified free from Vitamin A and therefore safe to take throughout pregnancy.
It is perfectly safe to take 400µg of folic acid per day throughout the whole of pregnancy. The U.K. Department of Health's Chief Medical Officer recommends that women planning a pregnancy should take a supplement containing 400µg folic acid daily, from the start of trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy. Folic acid is vital during this period for the normal, healthy development of your baby's neural tube. However, folic acid can be taken throughout pregnancy, not just up to the 12th week of pregnancy and Pregnacare Max gives the advantage of not only providing folic acid, but other essential nutrients as well.
Yes, you will still need to take a supplement as fortification is only to improve the folic acid contribution from the normal diet. The government announced in September 2021 the good news that folic acid will be added to UK white flour in the future (the new rules will exclude gluten-free and wholemeal flour). This is to help increase the amount of folic acid in maternal diets, as low folic acid status is a risk factor in the development of neural tube defects (NTDs), such as spina bifida. This will, however, not replace the need for mums-to-be to take a folic acid supplement, as the UK Department of Health continues to recommend that all women trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy should take a daily supplement containing 400µg folic acid.
A regular intake is recommended, but don’t worry, this will not have done any harm. Simply take Pregnacare Max on the next day when you remember, and take as directed. You should not take more than the recommended amount on subsequent days to make up for any day(s) that you have missed. Whilst it is important to take a supplement every day, if you miss one day this is fine because the beneficial effects of the vitamins and minerals build over time.